2024年春季COVID更新 01.22.24



欢迎回来! We hope you had a rejuvenating winter break 和 are ready for the exciting challenges that the new year brings. 

当我们开始下半年的学年, 我们的首要任务仍然是我们社区的健康和安全. We want to keep you informed about the latest COVID updates to our protocols 和 guidelines. 请花点时间浏览以下信息:


  1. 屏蔽: 使用医用级口罩进行遮盖(例如.g., 考虑到目前全国感染的增加,仍建议使用KN95), 但屏蔽不是必需的. 外科口罩和KN95口罩在校园里都可以买到, 包括教务长办公室, 学生事务处, 金色学生中心, 人力资源, 和设施. 教师可以自行决定继续要求在教室里戴口罩.
  2. 测试程序: 员工和教职员工的COVID测试可通过人力资源部门获得, 设施, 以及教务长办公室. 通过pitzer赞助的医疗保险计划也可以进行测试. 教职员工可以在家或校外参加考试. Positive results must be reported to HR within 24 hours using the new Smartsheet link: Covid暴露-自我报告表格以下表格提交, HR will advise individuals on the isolation period of 5 days 和 the additional resources available to them.
  3. 疫苗接种的更新: 所有教职员工都必须及时接种新冠疫苗, meaning they have received all doses of the primary vaccine series 和 at least one booster. 请联络人力资源部((电子邮件保护)) if you have questions about this expectation or require a medical or religious exemption.
  4. 报告的症状: 如果您遇到任何类似COVID或流感的症状,请联系您的主管. 我们希望迅速采取行动,降低潜在风险,保护我们的社区.
  5. 持续的卫生措施: 整个校园和建筑物内仍将设有洗手站. 教室将提供消毒湿巾. 请 assist in keeping Pitzer safe 和 healthy by regularly washing h和s 和 wiping down surfaces (e.g.(打印机、键盘等)和共用区域. 让我们继续鼓励和示范这些行为为我们的学生.

Your adherence to these safety protocols is instrumental in maintaining a safe 和 healthy campus environment. 你总能找到最新的 L.A. 县公共卫生部门最新消息 在他们的网站. 如果您有任何问题或疑虑, please don’t hesitate to reach out to 人力资源.

感谢您为我们社区的福祉所做的贡献, 我们期待着下半学年的成功和健康!



春季2024学生COVID-19更新 01.17.24


Last week, LA County released updated Covid guidelines which will impact our Pitzer Covid processes.

当我们开始下半年的学年, 我们的首要任务仍然是我们社区的健康和安全. We want to keep you informed about the latest COVID updates to our protocols 和 guidelines. 请花点时间浏览以下信息:

  1. 测试程序: 2024年春季开始, testing for COVID-19 is only available on-campus at 学生健康服务 via a lab visit. 请查看 她的网站 了解更多值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台预约实验室的信息.  学生也可以在家或校外参加考试. 积极的结果必须立即通过电子邮件报告到 (电子邮件保护)我们希望迅速采取行动,降低潜在风险,保护我们的社区.
  2. 阳性检测方案更新由于最新的洛杉矶县指南, the process for students that test positive are as follows (effectively immediately):

·Covid检测呈阳性的学生将需要通过电子邮件发送 (电子邮件保护)

·         If student is asymptomatic, the student is required to mask for 10 days when around others.

·如果学生有症状, the student is required to isolate at CCA until they have been cleared from SHS to return to their room.  隔离的持续时间取决于症状的持续时间.  学生只有获得SHS的批准才能解除隔离.  Once cleared from isolation, student is required to wear a mask for 10 days when around others.  *不遵守隔离可能导致司法行为程序.

  1. 疫苗接种的更新: If you would like to receive the updated Pfizer 和 Moderna vaccines release in Fall 2023, 请透过学生健康服务预约接种疫苗. 虽然不是必需的,但强烈鼓励预防COVID-19. 所有值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台学生都被要求及时接种新冠疫苗, meaning they have received all doses of the primary vaccine series 和 at least one booster. 请 contact the 学生事务处 if you have questions about this expectation or require a medical or religious exemption.
  2. 屏蔽: 使用医用级口罩进行遮盖(例如.g., 考虑到目前全国感染的增加,仍建议使用KN95), 但屏蔽不是必需的. 外科口罩和KN95口罩在校园里都可以买到, 包括教务长办公室, 学生事务处, 金色学生中心, 人力资源, 和设施. 教师可以自行决定继续要求在教室里戴口罩.
  3. 持续的卫生措施: 整个校园和建筑物内仍将设有洗手站. 教室和ResLife办公室将提供消毒湿巾. 请 assist in keeping Pitzer safe 和 healthy by regularly washing h和s 和 wiping down surfaces (e.g.(打印机、键盘等)和共用区域. 让我们继续鼓励和示范这些行为为我们的学生.

Your adherence to these safety protocols is instrumental in maintaining a safe 和 healthy learning environment for everyone. 有关洛杉矶县公共卫生更新的更多信息,您可以访问 http://publichealth.lacounty.gov/media/coronavirus/guidances.htm

如果您有任何问题或疑虑, 请不要犹豫,联系学生事务处. 

感谢您为我们社区的福祉所做的贡献, 我们期待着下半学年的成功和健康!


1050 N. 米尔斯大街.斯科特·霍尔120

〇学生COVID-19检测 01.16.24


  • Complete a pre-arrival PCR COVID test 3-5 days before coming to campus for the first time (students with access barriers should notify (电子邮件保护) 事先获得访问支持). 如果你的测试呈阳性, we ask that you isolate in place 和 not return to campus until you receive a negative test.

如果您在报到后检测呈阳性,请通知 (电子邮件保护) 联系SHS. All symptomatic students 和 students identified as ”close contacts” are required to comply with 学生健康服务 directives to participate in testing.


Students instructed to test by a medical provider, MUST test immediately or contact SHS immediately.

学生健康服务 会协调校内测试和疫苗接种吗.

测试时间如下所列 学生健康服务. 测试可以在测试时间内的任何时间进行,不需要预约.

请不要吃, 喝, 烟, 在考试前60分钟刷牙或涂口红. 请 在到达SHS之前观看这些视频说明(http://rise).善于表达.com/share/-q6MdIeo2V42boWuOGTu8i4- cT9E_pjy).


猴痘更新和信息- 08.19.22



秋季学期就要开始了, we want to share information 和 resources concerning the nationwide outbreak of Monkeypox, 拜登政府已经宣布进入全国公共卫生紧急状态. Pitzer,与 学生健康服务 克莱蒙特学院的教授正在密切关注这一情况. Pitzer College participates in weekly higher education-specific briefings with public health experts at the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LACDPH). 

请访问匹泽 通路前进 网站提供最新资讯和资源,包括:

就像COVID-19大流行一样, we expect public health guidelines 和 protocols for Monkeypox to continue to evolve. Pitzer will continue working with SHS 和 the County to help keep the campus community informed 和 as safe as possible.


劳拉一个. 特伦德尔,注册会计师,MBA
副总裁,首席运营官 & 财务主管

艾伦米. Omoto博士
负责学术事务的副校长 & 学院院长


猴痘更新从克莱蒙特值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台 08.05.22

你们可能都知道, the Biden administration declared monkeypox to be a public health emergency in the U.S. 2022年8月4日. Both California as well as Los Angeles County have also made similar declarations recently.


  • 猴痘是一种病毒感染
  • 截至8月4日, 2022, 已经有超过6个了,美国大陆出现600例猴痘确诊病例.S. 和波多黎各
  • 虽然这是一个令人担忧的原因, 值得庆幸的是, 猴痘很少致命,在美国还没有猴痘致死的报告.S. 到目前为止. 然而, there have been eight reported deaths from this disease across the world during the current outbreak, 主要是在卫生系统不健全的非洲和其他地区
  • Early signs may include fever, muscle aches, headache, swollen lymph nodes, exhaustion. 还可能出现皮疹, 通常从脸上开始,然后扩散到身体的其他部位, 包括手, 脚, 眼睛, 口腔和/或生殖器. 这种皮疹有时会很痛
  • Infection can be spread from the time symptoms start until the rash has fully healed 和 a fresh layer of skin has formed, 通常2-4周
  • Current transmission/spread is primarily through close, personal, often skin-to-skin contact
  • 目前还没有针对猴痘病毒感染的特异性治疗方法. 猴痘感染的治疗主要是支持性护理.g.(如发烧或疼痛,可服用对乙酰氨基酚或布洛芬以减轻症状)
  •  然而, 因为猴痘病毒和天花病毒在基因上相似, antiviral drugs 和 vaccines developed to protect against smallpox may sometimes be used to treat 和 prevent monkeypox virus infections, 目前只针对高危人群
  • 预防猴痘的疫苗供应目前仍然有限. Los Angeles County Department of Public Health has established priority criteria to administer first dose of vaccine to as many people who are at higher risk for monkeypox exposure as possible. 当供应改善时,他们将提供第二剂. Vaccines are not currently available for administration to private clinics such as 学生健康服务

与上次美国宣布的公共卫生紧急情况一样.S. 2020年1月,为应对COVID-19, 学生健康服务 at 克莱蒙特学院 continues to closely monitor the situation 和 is in touch with our local public health officials at the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health for regular updates. SHS当前响应包括:

  • 让我们的工作人员了解最新的猴痘信息
  • Keeping up to date with our laboratory partner on proper methods of collecting 和 submitting samples from suspicious lesions for testing
  • 创建一个 网页 with more detailed 和 regularly updated information to keep the campus community informed on monkeypox
  • 加强正确的清洁和卫生习惯, 无论是在我们部门内部还是在整个财团中

Prateek Jindal, DO


